Is the program open to distance learning student graduates?
Yes, we can facilitate phone appointments (for resume and interview prep), and phone/ skype interviews where appropriate.
Is program open to students that graduated this past Fall?
For this year, we will we accept student applications from graduating Faculty of Arts and Science students. Applicants must be graduating during the 2018-19 academic year.
Does this pilot include all university programs including 'direct entry' or just BA / BSc - for instance could Fine Arts or BMus or KINE do this?
The program is focused on students in the arts, humanities, social sciences programs and therefore open to students studying Fine Arts or BMus or KINE. Students from other Faculty of Arts and Science discipline outside of the primary focus (e.g. School of Computing) are encouraged to also apply but will be selected on a case-by-case basis.
Is there a fee to apply?
Where do students apply?
Via the guide hub section 'How to Apply for Students'.
How do students find out the participating companies?
Via the guide hub section 'Participating Companies'. Please register to receive up-to-date communications regarding the job postings.
Will this show on their transcripts and/or diploma?
If I have completed the QUIP program, may I apply for this program?
Yes, this is an additional opportunity after graduation.
Is this an apprenticeship program like a trades apprenticeship?
This is a learning opportunity, just as trades apprenticeships are, but this is a unique program designed for new university graduates to accelerate their first year employed post-graduation.